History around You

Learners research and share information on the evolution of their neighbourhood. Information can be posted on an interactive map if possible.

Activity Type: Research activities, Real world research

Full Text Upload: https://cdtest.trubox.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/710/2018/01/History-around-You.docx

Links: https://opentextbc.ca/postconfederation/


Uses the open textbook Canadian History: Post Confederation by Dr. John Belshaw.

Types of Interaction:

Learner and Content: Readings, Websites, Other

Learner and Context: Community

Learner and Support: Learners, Instructors

Activity Structure: Individual

Bloom Taxonomy Level: Analysing

Discipline: Arts and Humanities

Author/Source Name: Thompson Rivers University Open Learning

Author/Source Email: learningactivities@tru.ca

Creative Commons License: CC-BY-SA Attribution + ShareAlike