Case Study—Low Carb Diets and Weight Loss
Read the following case study and answer the associated questions.
Activity Type: Case study analysis
Read the following case study and answer the associated questions.
Activity Type: Case study analysis
Before we learn about the requirements and functions of particular nutrients, it would be helpful to reflect on your current eating habits. This is meant to be an honest analysis of how healthy you think your current diet is.
Submit a maximum 750 word reflection in a Word document that outlines your beliefs about your current diet.
Activity Type: Online Discussion, Reflective journals, Essay assignments, Writing a blog post
Write a short essay (approx. 400-500 words) describing your most beneficial and most challenging learning experience.
Activity Type: Online Discussion, Reflective journals, Essay assignments, Writing a blog post
This assignment gives you the opportunity to visually convey your personal interpretation of the social determinants of health (SDOH) in your own community by presenting photographs that reflect how you “know” how people are affected by these conditions of daily life. It encourages the expression of reflection and creativity through snapshots of what you observe, what you perceive, and what people in your community experience.
Activity Type: Creating a media piece
This project is to develop a multi-media presentation on a topic of your choice to a population of your choice.
You can choose any media you like (e.g., PowerPoint, Prezi, academic poster, YouTube video, photography, website, music, etc.). Target your media presentation to a specific audience (clients, caregivers, family members, colleagues, nurses, social workers, etc.)
Activity Type: Research activities, Creating a media piece
This research paper focuses on mental health with an ethno-cultural population located in your community/region practice area.
Activity Type: Essay assignments
Search and collect media stories about the population (or a sub-population) on which you want to focus and look for the trends or issues. You can collect these stories from newspapers, magazines, or online resources (minimum of 5 media articles).
You also will be asked to complete a 1 page visual collage or infographic presentation of the media sources you have collected, and provide a 2–3 page summary of the trends and issues associated with the population you have selected.
Activity Type: Reflective journals, Essay assignments, Research activities, Case study analysis, Creating a media piece, Real world research
In this assignment, you will apply your learning to evaluate a piece of media messaging in the area of youth
This assignment has two parts:
• Part A: You will write an essay responding to and analysing a public service announcement (PSA) video of your choice.
• Part B: Develop a storyboard for your own video PSA on an issue for youth prevention in your own community.
Activity Type: Video resources, Research activities, Creating a media piece, Real world research
Self reflective exercise.
The Heterosexual Quiz – GLBTQ Oppression Exercise is intended to raise the consciousness of people who are not LGBTTQ or questioning
Activity Type: Reflective journals
“Paying attention to what you are in the midst of” is a reflective practice that is cultivated through repetition, paying attention, and reflection. Like any practice, paying attention is not a skill that you can immediately acquire simply by reading about it. Paying attention is cultivated and developed through practice and dedication. Most importantly, it requires time. You need to actually do it, and learn through doing it and reflecting on what happened to you as you did it. Paying attention produces self-awareness. Self-awareness is required of all professionals.
The exercise is designed to help you to think through what you are in the midst of and to engage in this important practice of self-reflection or “paying attention.”
Activity Type: Reflective journals
Free writing activity responding to the following prompt:
" In this era of social and economic change, I notice that…"
Activity Type: Reflective journals
This assignment involves analyzing TWO media articles from a social welfare perspective (different topics for each article are recommended, but similar topics are also acceptable); and writing a response to ONE of the articles either as a letter to the editor, or to a political leader (Mayor, MP, MLA), or to bureaucratic leadership (such as the Deputy Minister of the appropriate Ministry), or to an office of the Legislature (such as the Ombudsman’s office or the Representative for Children and Youth).
Activity Type: Research activities, Creating a media piece, Real world research